The ultimate in metal form, created with leading-edge technology and time-honoured artisanship — unparalleled strength and beauty befitting the pinnacle of the G-SHOCK brandnnnBasara was a term of respect used for samurai commanders who shattered conventions with a rebellious style that combined strength and a bold, lavish aesthetic. For this trailblazing watch, we first specially commissioned the making of an actual, one-of-a-kind MR-G Hana-Basara suit of armour based on the Basara commander spirit. Then we created this exceptional watch using the armour as the design motif. Employing ultra-hard COBARION and DAT55G alloys developed in Japan and inviting in a cutting/polishing artisan to apply techniques rarely used in metalwork, we achieved mirror-surface facet cuts in metal — a feat considered virtually impossible. This watch exudes a distinctive aesthetic sensibility and worldview that embraces two of Japan’s proudest heritages: cutting-edge technology and traditional craftsmanship.nnnnn■Official Links (International - English)n■公式ブランドサイト (日本語)n TOUGHNESSnA 10-year battery life, 10-bar water resistance and 10-meter dropping shock resistance. nThese were the three requirements of the “Triple 10” concept that led to development G-SHOCK's shock-resistant structure. nThe rugged shape and robust styling originated with an engineer's brief calling for an ""unbreakable watch"". nSince its birth in 1983, G-SHOCK has continued its unrestrained evolution while retaining its unique basic structure. nToday, G-SHOCK continues to take up challenges beyond the limits of time and common sense. n---n強さは、さらなる高みへ。n時計にタフネスという新たな概念を築き上げたG-SHOCK。すべては、落としても壊れない時計をつくるという開発者の熱き信念、当時の常識を覆す、無謀ともいえる挑戦から始まった。n1981年、プロジェクトチーム・タフ結成。200を超える試作が繰り返され、約2年にも及ぶ歳月が費やされた。完成したのが、耐衝撃構造。タフの中核を担うテクノロジーの誕生である。n以来、G-SHOCKは、終わりなき進化を続けてきた。構造、素材、機能。あらゆる面から、さらなるタフを追い求めて。そして今、そのあくなき挑戦、たゆまぬ努力が、3つの重力加速度に耐える強化構造、TRIPLE G RESISTに結実。さらに、あらゆる環境下での使用に応えるオールマイティタフの追求により、軽快かつ確実な操作性を叶えるSMART ACCESSの搭載を実現。nどこまでも強く。その先の強さを目指して。G-SHOCK、その挑戦に終わりはない。n---n#GSHOCK #CASIO #TOUGHNESS


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