The Body Shop India - October is globally celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is common in India - accounting for over 27% of all cancer in Indian women. Regular breast screenin...

October is globally celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is common in India - accounting for over 27% of all cancer in Indian women. Regular breast screening is important as many women don’t show any symptoms of breast cancer. Early detection is critical, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully. Family history, reproductive history, age and appearance of symptoms can help you understand if you’re at risk. Lower your risk by - • Exercising daily • Maintaining healthy weight • Avoiding alcohol • Breastfeeding Our choices & actions can protect those in our vicinity. So, give yourself a self-check today and encourage a close one to do so too. Share your story with #FeministAndFearless. #TheBodyShopIndia #TBSInd #FeministAndFearlessWednesdays #FeministAndFearless


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