Stotra Honey shampoo:Shine and strength. Scurvy Natural Honey soap Zosima Diaghilev Apiary honey - review

Стотравъ Медовый шампунь:Блеск и сила. Стотравъ Натуральное Медовое мыло Зосимы Пчельника дягилевый мед
Scurvy Natural honey soap Zosima Apiary "Diaghilev honey"
This is the best gel in my bathroom!

Real honey: constituency, smell, tagobject. Tremendous Bank 380 ml, which is sparingly used(may).

Honey aroma heard until you take a bath. The foam of the soap medium, if I may say so), but very soft and tender. Washed off easily.

The photo shows that it is a gel that is liquid soap, not solid).

The packaging is very big, to open with wet hands is not very convenient, but what to do.

What about the effects on the skin can not say anything: the skin I have always been a normal gel do not dry.

Again I will say that the gel is very similar to a real honey, he doesn't even know. have abshier


Price: 150 rubles

Stotra Honey Shampoo Zosima the bee-hive on a couple of 7 medicinal herbs AND SHINE with extracts of lungwort, nettle and Royal jelly(450 ml)

I figured with such a wonderful soap, maybe shampoo's magic. No.

The shampoo also did not cause delight.

Shampoo(natural vsedela). Normal hair can wash the hair only when mixed in the hands of the water and a large amount of shampoo. The shampoo is not very runny, but is spent in this method enough.

Unlike the gel, the smell is expressed less brightly.

Nothing special was observed (except for the fact that the shampoo is very soft), the usual: the hair is not dry, washes well. No changes did not happen: the stronger did not, Shine as usual.

Balm use, so after drying, the hair is not tangled). The characteristics of a replacement for soap of the same series.

Price: 100 RUB

#of stotras #heldlaura #has idlemine #has mildsteel #naturalnekosmetyki #has naturalnaya #assistantmedical #campanilleros

  • was soaping wishlist, painfully looks delicious:3 thanks for the review!
  • Thank You for viewing)!
  • Very tasty showed soap!
  • Thank you for rating! It is pleasant to me).
  • Yes, the gel looks very appetizing :) basically, despite the SLS part do so many extracts - not bad at all.Thank you for the beautiful pictures!
  • Thank You for your attention! I not basic natural ingredients in the composition, more personal feelings guided: odor, color).
  • Thanks for the post! I had this soap really smells divine! That's just not clear why the cap manufacturer literally screams that means no SLS, and then immediately writes it in the structure. Not fair how it turns out.
  • "Natural" the motor trade now, I think).and I love the smell of it... you may think that the compounds-that nobody reads? on the lid is written that without SLS, so no SLS).Thank you!
  • I have a gel from the series "Fake honey" — one of the most favorite))) And I'm a big fan of gels)
  • smell the magic, very
  • Soap looks magical! But shampoo no not natural) After the water with the herbs in the composition of the banal sodium Laureth sulfate.

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