Scarlett Johansson @scarlettjohansson 2018-08-23 17:44 post "Growing up I never got into comic books at all. I didn't have any inspiration for it." "Growing up I never got into comic books at all. I didn't have any inspiration for it." - #scarlettjohansson Learn More Clothing scarlettjohansson 7 0 0 Repost 1.9k
Scarlett Johansson @scarlettjohansson 2018-08-23 17:43 post "I'm an actor for hire. It's important not to forget that you're disposable....When you have that mentality, you fight for the jobs you want." "I'm an actor for hire. It's important not to forget that you're disposable....When you have that mentality, you fight for the jobs you want." - #scarlettjohansson Learn More Clothing scarlettjohansson 7 0 0 Repost 1.9k
Scarlett Johansson @scarlettjohansson 2018-08-23 17:41 post Scarlettjohansson #scarlettjohansson Learn More Footwear scarlettjohansson 7 0 0 Repost 1.6k