The perfect coral YSL La Laque Couture 5 Corail divin - review

For me this summer, coral is one of the most coveted and sought-after shades manicure and pedicure. In search of his ideal came across the post Oksana Osen and there's no doubt — this is the coral of my dreams!
Идеальный коралл YSL La Laque Couture 5 Corail divin

YSL La Laque Couture 5 Corail Divin — the perfect purchase for the summer!

This color I haven't had — not too red, not too orange, not too bright, but not a prude — everything is balanced and harmonious. It is suitable to a large number of summer images and appropriate on the beach and in the office. Blends perfectly with the lush green grass.

With quality paints brand I've known for a long time (since last series) and have always been more than satisfied. Therefore, in respect of new acquisitions, quiet — know that they will not disappoint.

The texture is a medium thickness cream. The brush paints everything herself — miss to nail impossible

At first I was a bit confused that the first layer is thin. But then learned to apply the second more densely. No putty or bubbles does not work — just a nice thick coating.

It dries quickly, although I have no drying and can still use it.

Worn 2-3 days, in principle, on the 4th too, can look decent. Gradually descending, salted on the tips.

View "in action":

In comparison with counterparts:

Essie Tart Deco Dior Bikini Dior Aloha

Period of use: week

Issue price: 23 euros

Rating: 5+

#ysl #of lackalanga #laikram #lacelocks #swatch


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