Liquid crystals Constant Delight Сristalli Liquidi! My assistants hair care - review

Hello, beauties!
I want to write about my favorite hair product. This is my Savior!
Жидкие кристаллы Constant Delight Сristalli Liquidi! Мои помощники по уходу за волосами
A little about my hair. Length about 10 cm below the shoulders. Thick, but thin because of the braids I have a thin work. Dry at the tips and normal at the roots. To use this tool very, very whipped the ends, and now no!
Constant Delight cristalli liquidi — Liquid crystals for hair

From the manufacturer: a Special product for the treatment of hair with split ends. Protects and revitalizes the weakened and curly hair. The structure of "liquid crystals" are: mineral oil extract, betaine (vitamin cocktail), silicone and other components that care for the hair, and as for the cut tips of hair, closing the upper scaly layer (cuticle) prevents the further section of hair.

Me: When you open the bottle, you immediately feel the sweet aroma. Very nice! After application to the hair is retained about an hour. While noticeable to the surrounding, is not often heard compliments. The dispenser is convenient (see photo). The liquid is transparent, it is quite viscous and oily. On the hair easily distributed.
It worked for me twice. My hair is whipped very hard many years in a row. One day, after buying this tool (just went to a professional shop and asked the seller to pick me up product for the treatment of the tips), and once again podstrigli I began to apply it each time after washing. I do not remember how long, but I forgot about split ends. And over time, began to apply it much less often, only for prevention. And then, the problem again visited me, after I began to walk to pool (1 time a week). And again, this tool saved me. Take it with you and apply before putting on the swimming cap before drying hair. Again the tips of my hair and looks healthy! The tool is very economical, bottle is enough for almost a year.

Price: about 400 rubles

Testing period: approximately 3 years, maybe more.
Rating: 5+

My name is Lena, to me you were
I appreciate your comments!

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